2024 Kao R&D internship applications are no longer acccepted.
We will start accepting the application for 2025 Kao R&D internship at mid-May.
Firstly, please make an account and register the following information.
(1)プロフィール・学校情報 Your profile
(2)パスワード Password
-The password is needed to log-in to your 'My Page', please keep it.
Please log-in to 'My Page' from the button below and upload an application form and a brief description of your current research at your university.
2024年6月16日 24:00 Sun, Jun.16, 2024 12:00 midnight
In case of too many applications, we will review documents and have interviews.
<インターンシップ面接日> Interview dates
2024年7月17日(水)~7月23日(火) Wed, Jul.17,-Tue, Jul.23, 2024
- The dates will be set up by the themes.
- The interview will be conducted via web on the designated day during the above schedule.
- If you are selected, we will send an interview invitation to your 'My Page' account around early July.